Destination Wedding in Villa Estea
I always gladly to shoot a destination wedding in Villa Estea. Maybe it’s the historical aura, or perhaps it’s the fantastic view of the Trabocchi Coastline. It could also be the excellent food, but every time I come here, it feels like home. And this is a fundamental aspect for someone like me, committed to documenting such an important event as a wedding on-site. One must always leave a piece of oneself in the places they visit. Whether these are work locations or points of arrival for trips yet to be planned.
Erica and Kevin’s destination wedding in Villa Estea represented a challenge. It was necessary to narrate not only their wedding but also their roots, perfectly visible in those hills overlooking the sea. A wedding perfectly organized and coordinated by Emma of Love Italy Weddings.
The ceremony could only take place in the same church where Kevin’s grandparents celebrated their wedding, almost a century ago, before planting their roots in Canada. Hence the challenge: how to tell a story that is, ultimately, a story of a people, those who in the early years of the last century, left their birthplaces to seek fortunes on the other side of the ocean. These are similar stories, the ones we read or hear being told. We all have at least one great-grandfather, a great-uncle, or a relative in our family who emigrated somewhere, leaving behind a rural and uncontaminated landscape which today, despite ourselves, has profoundly changed, in appearance, in soul, in heart.
The party is my favorite time of the day. Not just because what I depict through my photographs is the deep, hidden connection between two souls, but because I then place that connection within a broader context, composed of faces, gestures, colors, and sounds that are, at the same time, frame and painting, work and its representation. Every wedding party reflects the couple’s personality. Ultimately, I like to think that there are infinite ways to tell a story. Ernest Hemingway called it “The Iceberg Principle,” where the important part is what is unseen, the submerged part, the things left unsaid in a story. For my part, I do nothing but follow this principle with my photography, eliminating everything I know, while always allowing the newest part of myself to emerge to the surface.